Friday, February 13, 2009

Aroma Therapy Pillows - GIVEAWAY!

I made some lovely little Aromatherapy Pillows last night. Most people wanted Lavender - Not a real surprise, it does smell wonderful! We had a small variety of oils available. Lavender, Rose, Frankincense, Vanilla, Eucalyptus, Orange Blossom (Neroli), Sweet Orange, Lemon and Peppermint. My favorite blends out of these are: Lavender and Peppermint, Sweet Orange and Vanilla, Neroli and Rose, Frankincense, Vanilla and Lavender and Eucalyptus and Lemon. You start by unrolling a cotton ball dropping @ 20-25 drops of each essential oil on the cottonball and rolling it up and putting it in a sheer sachet bag that you find in the wedding aisle at Wal Mart. Add a few more cottonballs in the bag for filler and tie. Place the relaxing blends under the top layer of your pillowcase or place in your desk drawer. If you prefer an uplifting scent hang the sachet in your car. Enjoy! I'm giving away 5 sachets with the scent of your choice so, write your name, mailing info and chosen scent in the comments section of this post before next Friday, February 20th and I'll mail you a sachet.
Smooches, Amy

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Another WONDERFUL blog! I am way impressed. I think I am going to have to branch out into two blogs as well. Not sure how many of my craftastic followers want to hear about baby teeth and band room renovations :-)

    Great news!! I joined Stampin' Up yesterday!! Can't wait to get my kit and get started sharing my passion with anyone silly enough to let me into their home.

    Love you! You look FABULOUS!!!

